Table of Contents

  • Introduction:
    • How To View Default Apps:
  • Trouble:
  • Resolution:
    • How To:
    • Reference:


Windows apps play a very of import role in Windows ten. As we have progressed through various builds the number of apps has as well increased:

  • Build 1507: 24 Apps
  • Build 1607: 26 Apps
  • Build 1703: 31 Apps [Creator Update]

In Windows ten Creator Update we have the post-obit default apps:

  1. Microsoft.3DBuilder
  2. Microsoft.BingWeather
  3. Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller
  4. Microsoft.Getstarted
  5. Microsoft.Messaging
  6. Microsoft.Microsoft3DViewer
  7. Microsoft.MicrosoftOfficeHub
  8. Microsoft.MicrosoftSolitaireCollection
  9. Microsoft.MicrosoftStickyNotes
  10. Microsoft.MSPaint
  11. Microsoft.Office.OneNote
  12. Microsoft.OneConnect
  13. Microsoft.People
  14. Microsoft.SkypeApp
  15. Microsoft.StorePurchaseApp
  16. Microsoft.Wallet
  17. Microsoft.Windows.Photos
  18. Microsoft.WindowsAlarms
  19. Microsoft.WindowsCalculator
  20. Microsoft.WindowsCamera
  21. microsoft.windowscommunicationsapps
  22. Microsoft.WindowsFeedbackHub
  23. Microsoft.WindowsMaps
  24. Microsoft.WindowsSoundRecorder
  25. Microsoft.WindowsStore
  26. Microsoft.XboxApp
  27. Microsoft.XboxGameOverlay
  28. Microsoft.XboxIdentityProvider
  29. Microsoft.XboxSpeechToTextOverlay
  30. Microsoft.ZuneMusic
  31. Microsoft.ZuneVideo

How To View Default Apps:

To view default apps y'all tin utilise PowerShell. Open PowerShell as Administrator and run the following PowerShell command:

Get-ProvisionedAppXPackage -Online|Select DisplayName


Sometimes during computing, yous may feel default apps are non working properly or, you accept deleted some past accident.


If yous opt to reset Windows ten then you will reinstall all the default apps. But this process will remove all your documents, pictures, videos etc.

Then, using PowerShell to reset or re-install default apps is the easiest solution.

How To:

  • Open PowerShell as Administrator and c opy-paste the following control:

Get-AppxPackage -allusers | foreach {Add-AppxPackage -register "$($_.InstallLocation)\appxmanifest.xml" -DisableDevelopmentMode}

  • This will reinstall and re-register all the built-in apps.
  • Restart your system.


Windows App